Co-Curricular and Student Support Assessment

Co-Curricular and Student Support Assessment

Co-Curricular and Student Support Assessment 


的 University recognizes that learning often occurs outside the classroom in an athletic or co-curricular experience or by engaging with student support operations, such as the Learning Commons and 学生成功中心. 因此, co-curricular and student support units are required to identify student learning goals that are assessed on a regular basis. 这些部门包括体育, 学生成功中心, 职业准备中心, the Office of 学生生活 and University Engagement, 健康与保健中心, Student Conduct and 社区 Standards, 学习服务, Opportunity 项目 (HEOP and C-STEP), 国际教育, the 图书馆 and Learning Commons (tutoring),  三人组, 和本科招生.

Annual Assessment Report and 5-Year Program Review

的 annual assessment report from each co-curricular and student support operation is due on June 30 of each year. This report should provide evidence of how well students are achieving the departments' learning goals and the extent to which the departments are meeting their operational goals. 

Annual reports are reviewed by the 联合课程评估委员会, using a 标题 that aligns with institutional requirements and describes the criteria for effective assessment. An online course, "Assessment in Co-Curricular and Student Support Operations" (网站.谷歌.com/, provides detailed information about requirements, 预期, 有效的评估实践. 的 Resource Guide for Assessment Plans and Annual 报告 is another excellent resource that outlines quality assessment practices.  

Departments are further expected to participate in a 5-year program review that includes a self-study, 内部审查, 以及质量改进计划. 的 program review provides each department with an opportunity to reflect on the services it offers, 它面临的挑战, 它所展示的优势, and the aspirational plans it has for the future. 的 program review schedule has been established by the 利记sbo Committee. 

Specific 预期 may be found in the Guide to Annual Assessment and Program Review: Co-Curricular and Non-Academic Departments. 


的 联合课程评估委员会 (Co-CA) is responsible for guiding and reviewing department-level assessment processes in the co-curricular units and student support operations. This committee is also responsible for measuring the institution’s compliance with relevant criteria related to MSCHE accreditation Standards IV and V.

的 committee's specific responsibilities are as follows: 

1. To review and provide feedback on departmental assessment plans and annual goal reports;
2. To review and provide feedback on 5-year 项目评审 from co-curricular departments;
3. To assess the assessment processes in the co-curricular areas and provide a status report to the 利记sbo Committee; 
4. To recommend or coordinate professional development opportunities in assessment practices for co-curricular departments.

的 Co-CA has the authority to track departmental compliance with institutional requirements and accreditation standards and report instances of non-compliance to the appropriate vice president. 
的 成员ship of the 联合课程评估委员会 consists of four representatives from co-curricular and student support operations, including 利记sbo, and the 高级副教务长, who serves as chair. 

学生教务长是一名教师 依据职权 成员.

Members are appointed by their supervisors to serve on the committee. Each 成员 serves a two-year term with no term limits.  所有联合ca成员都是有投票权的成员.

2023 - 2024个成员
Ann 达(主席)
克里斯汀圣. 莱尔•

委员会的议程, 分钟, and annual reports are stored in the committee's shared Google drive.  评估报告, 项目评审,  分题目, and other documents related to departmental assessment are stored in the shared file marked "Co-Curricular and Student Support Assessment." 

Assessment documents are permanent records of the 利记sbo and will be retained accordingly.  Committee-related materials will be kept for a full accreditation cycle up to ten years. 

联合课程评估委员会 Handbook


2022 - 2023 Report from the 联合课程评估委员会
2021-2022 Report from the 联合课程评估委员会


安E. 达

安E. 达

201 DePerno Hall
(315) 223-2568

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